The Roof is Off


Behind those eyes is fear and worry. 


It was March 13, 2020 - what will be forever known as the week that COVID-19 changed how we interact with the world. The roof was off my soon to be bakery and the roof was off my world. When the roof came off, things got real – real quick. This was really happening. There was no turning back for better or for worse we were committed to making Creations Galore and Moore a bakery.


This was a time of uncertainty. Doubt and fear begun to creep in, wondering whether we were making the right decision. There were just so many questions.


If I had waited too long before trying to grow my business? 

Was I too old? 

Should I just continue to focus on my home based business? 

Was this no longer the right time?

Had I missed my season? 


Although I have always went by the beat of my own drum, I still wondered would everyone think I was crazy for launching a business during a time when so many businesses were suffering and some having to close indefinitely.


But as I stood in the space of my shop without a roof, I took out my phone to take a photo of myself with no makeup after a long day. I took it because I wanted to remember the day I was terrified, but moved forward anyway. I refocused my energy and repurposed my fear into fuel which motivated me to keep moving forward. Since this day, we have a new roof, a target opening day, flooring, colors, and a menu.  


I hope this can be a testament that we can do hard things. 

Lesson Learned

Through this all, I see that there is space to exist past fear.

~ Nedra