What can I say…
You can put my cakes in a box, but you can’t put me in onE.
Hi, I’m Nedra! Wife, mother, business owner, southerner, cake baker and network engineer. Yes, you read that right – I am all of those things. I received my degree in Network Engineering and found myself happy in a career in IT for years, but I wanted something more.
Everyone asks the question, “How did you start making custom cakes?” Baking cakes was something I fell into. I’m not a baker by trade, I’m a baker by trial and error. While working in IT, I would design cakes for close family members and friends. Surprisingly and unbeknownst to me – folks actually thought I had a knack for this.
When I make cakes, I’m passionate about bringing my client’s ideas to life. My signature is delivering the unexpected. Taking a standard cake to a 3-d editable design is my every day life. I whole heartedly believe that the difference is made in the details.
Word of mouth was a blessing and a curse.
The blessing was that people believed in me and as a result I became more confident in this thing that I just considered just a hobby. On the other hand, there are only 1,440 minutes in a day and I had zero to spare.
Between meetings, having another baby, swim lessons for our daughter, church and time with my husband (you’re getting the point right!?) – there wasn’t a lot of time to do this thing called baking.
Secretly – I made the commitment that, even if it was challenging, I was going to make time to pour into and develop my craft. The delicate balance of pursuing my passion and pursuing my family lasted for 3 years until, with the support of my husband, I stepped out on faith and decided to quit my full-time job.
So for the past 4 years, I’ve been making custom cakes full-time. That still gives me chills when I think about it. I make cakes for my job. Can’t say it enough.
So, friend, I ask you, what is the commitment that you’re secretly making to yourself?
My hope, through the content here at CreationsGaloreandMoore.com, is that I am able to give you permission to act on that commitment. If you want to be a baker – we’ll have plenty of step by step instructions of how to bring those fondant details to life. But if your passion lies elsewhere, read my lessons learned section about growing your own business.
Happy Baking!
Nedra Moore